Life is short. Eat your dessert first.

Aquafaba Chocolate Mousse

Aquafaba Chocolate Mousse

Aqua-wtf? Juice from a can of chickpeas, duh! It’s not as bad as it sounds just try it. Original recipe from “eat feel fresh.”


5 oz dairy-free dark chocolate (make sure it stays melted after cooling!)

1 Tbsp almond milk

1 cup aquafaba (liquid drained from 15 oz can unsalted chickpeas)

1 tbsp maple syrup

1/2 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp lemon juice

Toppings: grated chocolate, pomegrante arils, chopped pistachios

What to Do

In double boiler, simmer water (not boiling) and slowly melt chocolate with almond milk. Don’t stir until chocolate is completely melted and once it has melted, whisk gently to combine. Transfer to medium bowl to cool.

In a large bowl combine aquafaba, sewetner, cinnamon and lemon juice.

Whisk the mixture with a mixer into stiff peaks - for about 8 minutes.

Add sweetener drop by drop.

Check that chocolate has cooled and fold about 1/3 whipped aquafaba into the cooled chocolate then gently fold back into the whipped aquafaba until fully combined. Mixture may deflate.

Pour into 4 small bowls or glasses. Cover and refrigerate.

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