Life is short. Eat your dessert first.

Cauliflower Casserole

Cauliflower Casserole

When you give up dairy, you think you’re doomed from ever tasting anything creamy ever again. I don’t think it’s the dairy aspect we miss - I think it’s the fatty creaminess. And you can achieve that by using cashew nuts. Genius! This recipe is originally from the cookbook “eat feel fresh” - one of the BEST cookbooks I’ve ever bought. I tweaked it by doubling her cashew amount to thicken it up because It was too watery and there’s nothing more gross than watery vegetables. I think like this is a great dish to throw in leftover/unused veggies from your fridge. Case in point I added half a bunch of celery and it turned out great. Also, I’ve never used coconut flour - what the what! That shiz is delicious. I hope I never get sick of coconut because I could eat it every day.


1 head of cauliflower

1 cup chopped kale or greens like spinach

1/2 bunch celery (if you have it)

1 cup cooked chickpeas

1 cup raw cashews, softened either overnight in 1.5 cup water or boiled for 15 mins - reserve the water!

2 tsp nutritional yeast

2 garlic cloves, minced

2 tsp dijon mustard

frseh basil to garnish

For the Topping

1/2 cup coconut flour

1/2 tsp sea salt

1/2 tsp onion powder

1/2 tsp dried oregano

freshly ground pepper

2 tsp nutritional yeast

1-2 Tbsp olive oil

What To Do

Preheat oven to 375* and grease 9x13 in baking dish with olive oil. Steam cauliflower for 5 minutes until crisp-tender.

Transfer cauliflower to large bowl and add the chickpeas and kale and stir to combine.

In a blender, combine cashews, 1 cup of the reserved water (save the other 1/2 and add if too thick), nutritional yeast, garlic, and mustard. Blend until smooth and pour over veggies and stir to coat.

For the topping, combine all ingredients in a food processor and pulse until the oil is fully incorporated and the mixture clumps together like wet sand (add more oil if needed). Spread the topping over the vegetables and bake for 15-20 minutes, until browned on top. Let cool slightly before serving and garnish with fresh basil.

Coconut "Bacon"

Coconut "Bacon"

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