Life is short. Eat your dessert first.

Pineapple Hibiscus Cocktail

Pineapple Hibiscus Cocktail

My first time making a “shrub” - simple syrup combined with vinegar. Why haven’t I done this sooner?? I’m obsessed with vinegar. This drink is freakin delicious. If you got this in a restaurant it would definitely cost $10+ and to make at home (I didn’t do the math) would probably be something like $2. Plus it’s always better made at home. Impress your friends and get them drunk at the same time. This recipe was originally from Bon Appetit. They had you doing all kinds of crazy stuff like making a pineapple simple syrup, blah blah blah. Hello?! Is that not why pineapple juice was invented. It’s 2 pm on a Saturday - are you really going to go through all that effort when you really just wanna get your ass to the pool? OK rant over. This recipe makes one serving. So plan accordingly. 


¼ cup lime juice

½ cup tequila (sounds like more than it is - its only 2 shots. I plan on adding 3 next time)

1 cup pineapple juice

1.5 Tb vinegar

½ lime sliced

4-5 slices of jalapeno

2-3 sprigs of mint, leaves torn off

¼ cup hibiscus tea (to make this boil 1 ¼ cup water and add ¼ hibiscus leaves and let steep for 10 minutes. My guess is you could also substitute pomegranate juice for this if you can’t find hibiscus and/or are feeling lazy)

What To Do

Muddle together jalapeno, lime slices, mint, and lime juice. Combine everything. Let chill in fridge or just pour over ice and get yourself to the pool!!

Blood Orange Polenta Upside Down Cake with Homemade Whipped Cream

Blood Orange Polenta Upside Down Cake with Homemade Whipped Cream

Shrimp (Daikon Radish) Pad Thai

Shrimp (Daikon Radish) Pad Thai