Life is short. Eat your dessert first.

Stir Fried Amaranth Leaves with Garlic

Stir Fried Amaranth Leaves with Garlic

We grew an amaranth plant from seed and decided to saute up some of the more tender leaves to try this recipe. They taste very similar to spinach and are delicious.


9 oz amaranth leaves

3 tbsp cooking oil

3 garlic cloves, peeled and sliced

3 tbsp hot water


What to do

Rinse amaranth and shake dry. Heat oil in seasoned wok over high heat. Add garlic before oil gets too hot and stir-fry as it sizzles and releases its aromas.

Before garlic colors, add amaranth and stir-fry briskly until leaves are wilted and stems tender. If the wok seems too dry, add stock or water: you want to end up with a small pool of pink juices from the leaves.

Season with salt to taste, then serve.

Stir fried Celery with Ground Pork + Bok Choy with Vinegar

Stir fried Celery with Ground Pork + Bok Choy with Vinegar

Copper Well Lane Vegetarian Noodles

Copper Well Lane Vegetarian Noodles