Life is short. Eat your dessert first.



I made this for a cocktail I have yet to try - Earl Grey-Aquavit Spritz :) I couldn’t buy aquavit cuz #quarantine and I had all the ingredients so decided to make it myself. Original recipe from here.


  • 1 cup vodka

  • 1 sprig fresh dill

  • One (2-inch) strip of lemon zest, without pith

  • 1/2 teaspoon caraway seeds

  • 1 pod star anise

  • 1/4 teaspoon fennel seed

What To Do

  1. Put the vodka, dill, and lemon zest in a sealable glass jar. Seal and shake, then let steep at room temperature for one day. Remove and discard the lemon zest and dill.

  2. Add the caraway seeds, star anise, and fennel seed to the infused vodka. Let steep at room temperature for an additional 2 days. If you'd like a stronger flavor, continue to steep for up to two weeks. When desired flavor is achieved, strain through cheesecloth. Store at room temperature or in the refrigerator for up to 6 months.

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