Life is short. Eat your dessert first.

Pierogies from Leftovers

A Pennsylvania classic food, pierogies are like dumplings stuffed with mashed potatoes. I originally got this recipe from my Thug Kitchen Party Grub cookbook which I looooove. They have fun vegan recipes that make you not even miss eating meat. I didn’t take a picture because to be honest, they’re dumplings. Not that exciting. But the fact that you can make these from leftovers and freeze them is what makes it appealing. Serve alongside hot dogs, sauerkraut, sour cream, or whatever you want! This recipe make about 50 pierogies. 



5 cups all-purpose flour

½ tsp salt

½ tsp garlic powder

2.5-3 cups water

1 tsp olive oil


2.5-3 cups already cooked mashed potatoes

What To Do

1. Make dough: In large bowl, whisk together the flour, salt, and garlic powder. Stir in the warm water until a kinda sticky, shaggy ball of dough is formed. Throw some extra flour on your countertop so the dough won’t stick and knead on countertop for 5 minutes until a nice smooth ball starts to form. 

2. Put the kneaded ball of dough back in the bowl, coat it with the olive oil and stick it in a warm place, covered with a towel for 30 minutes or up to 1.5 hours. 

3. Flour the counter where you kneaded the dough again and grab a quarter of the rested dough. Roll it out nice and thin, about the thickness of a tortilla. Grab a biscuit cutter or jar with a mouth at least 2.5 inches wide and cut out some rounds for your pierogies. Ball up any scraps and reroll them. I usually get about 12 rounds or each quarter of dough. Grab the next quarter of dough and repeat. 

4. To stuff the pierogies, grab a small glass of water and use your finger to wet the edges of each dough round. Add about 1 Tbsp of filling to each round and then fold it over. Seal the edges down with your finger. If you feel like being fancy crimp the edges down with a fork. Put them on floured parchment paper on a baking sheet until you’re done.

5. If you want to freeze them, spray them withs ome oil, cover them in plastic wrap, then freeze in a single layer on a baking sheet. When they’re all frozen, dump them into a plastic bag or some Tupperware and store in the freezer for up to 3 months.

6. To cook immdiately, drop them down in boiling water in batches no larger than 6 at a time so they don’t stick together. Boil them until they start to float and the dough is cooked through - about 5 minutes. Fish them out with a slotted spoon. Keep boiling the remaining pierogies. Optional next step: fry in some butter on medium high heat until they’re light brown and crispy on both sides, about 2-3 minutes per side. 

French Onion Zoodle Bake

Quinoa and Lentil Veggie Salad with Coconut Milk and Hawaiian Dressing

Quinoa and Lentil Veggie Salad with Coconut Milk and Hawaiian Dressing