Life is short. Eat your dessert first.

Quinoa and Lentil Veggie Salad with Coconut Milk and Hawaiian Dressing

Quinoa and Lentil Veggie Salad with Coconut Milk and Hawaiian Dressing

Lunch in a crunch! Trader Joe’s has me hooked on their free samples. Yesterday they had a salad that gave me inspiration for this. It was quinoa cooked in coconut milk with their orange dressing and healthy 8 veggie mix of prechopped veggies. I had leftover lentils from the lasagna last night and I also cooked some quinoa so today all I had to do was throw everything together. Seriously delicious!


2 cups lentils

4 cups cooked quinoa

1 package of Trader Joe’s Healthy 8 Veggie Mix

Half can of coconut milk (the creamy part on top)

Citrus dressing to taste (I used Bragg’s Hawaiian Dressing/Marinade)

What To Do

Throw everything together and season with salt and pepper to taste. YUM!!

Pierogies from Leftovers

Date Breakfast Energy Balls